Conversion of speed

Speed Converter. Enter miles per hour, kilometers per hour, Mach or Knots and see the value convert. Simple and superfast conversion of speed units.

Conversion of speed units

Type a any value and convert it to other units for measuring speed.

What can I convert?

Convert KPH to MPH to Knots to Mach in any way you like.

Speed conversion formulas

Miles per hour to kilometers per hour formula

One mile is 1.60934 kilometers. To convert miles per hour (mph) to kilometers per hour (kph) simply multiply the miles per hour by 1.6 (1.60934).

Widget for speed converter

Simply copy and paste the code below to show the widget on your homepage or blog (make sure to paste the code as html).

The widget for converting speed units will look like this:

Widget as iframe

It will only work if iframes is allowed on your server.

<iframe src="" style="height:200px;border:none;max-width:250px;"></iframe>

Widget as object (embed)

Try this if iframe does not work.

<object data="" width="250" height="200"><embed src="" width="250" height="200"></embed>Error: Embedded data could not be displayed.</object>